Monday, July 14, 2008

Totally Punk Rock!

That canal ride was no picnic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These were posted on a previous Blog! that was closed...

Chris Grine said...

are you sure that baby's not wearing a wig? Just kidding guys, she's beautiful! CONGRATS!
July 16, 2008 7:43 PM

r0mr0 said...

That first photo shows she as shy & demure as her father! She is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to meet her. Congratulations! -Rob
July 16, 2008 8:49 PM

Gursimran Sandhu said...

awww she is SO ADORABLE!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!
July 16, 2008 11:29 PM

Jeremy the Rice Bandit said...

Awww! At long last... Very, very happy for you and your new family. Congrats to you both, and good job! I'll have to meet her once I get over this cold (but let's wait a little while-- need to play it safe!) :)
July 16, 2008 11:45 PM

michael the world destroyer said...

AWESOME!!!! Great job, you two! can't wait to meet her. CONGRATS!
July 17, 2008 8:55 AM

Bob Harper said...

She's named after a Batman cartoon character and has a blog - she's already got more going for her than her old man!!!! Congrats she's a cutie!!!
July 17, 2008 9:56 AM

Susy said...

Definitely your best work of art :) congratulations!!
July 17, 2008 3:27 PM

sofia said...

Tracy and Shawn, she is so beautiful! What an adorable little girl! Congratulations!
July 17, 2008 7:00 PM

Prophet Buddy said...

I'm very happy for you two, and very sad for Porkchop.
July 18, 2008 1:42 AM

Kristen said...

Awww! Sooooooo cute! I cant believe all that hair, so stylish too! Congratulations! I cant wait to see more picts!
July 20, 2008 10:27 AM

akira said...

aww puddin! she's soooooo cute! how did that happen? just joking! great going, guys!!
July 20, 2008 11:59 AM

JDolley said...

Congratulations on your new addition. From what we can tell she looks a lot like her dad but we need to see a picture of you with her also. I hope you come to Maine for a visit so she can meet her second cousins soon. JEssie and Jeff Dolley
July 20, 2008 6:26 PM

Kathy said...

Congrat"s to you both! Also, to Grammy and Grampy Pooler! All of us in Maine think she is adorable! I haven't had a chance to make a copy of the picture of Harley for Gram yet but w/soon! I must say that I think I see alot of Tracey and her sister in Harley when the were little! I looked at a picture of you when you were a baby Tracey and I see alot of you--but need more pictures! How about one of Mom and Harley! Harley's new cousin Dylan is a handsome guy and I think looks like his brother William--he weighed 3 ounces less than Harley! It w/be fun to see them together when you come to visit! I know she's a California girl but those Maine root's are still there! All of Maine sends there love and best wishes for you and /Shawn--Love from the Mainiac's
July 21, 2008 6:34 AM