Sunday, April 18, 2010

Harley's Castle!

Mommy got a treadmill so Daddy built me a castle from the box it came in. Daddy is funny! Also how tired was Daddy when he put my name above the door that's not even close to center!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter morning. Guess what her favorite movie is? Here is a hint...balloons

Harley's second Easter with Anna's Family

A great big thank you to Stephen, Olivia, and Anna for sharing their family Easter Egg Hunt with us. Harley liked all the eggs she found with their hidden goodies!

Also a special thank you to Olivia's sister Sara and her mom for making some great food!

More pictures of Harley's race taken by Uncle Jeremy

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Harley's First Race!!!

This is Harley's...Hummm, I mean Supergirl's first road race. It was 38 yards. We will be posting her results later.

Harley F 1 Pasadena 3:40

A special thanks to Michelle for the AWESOME!!! Supergirl costume; which EVERYONE just loved and kept saying how cute she was in it!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A day at the zoo and other funny stuff.

Do you see the big cat behind the wire?