Saturday, January 9, 2010

Goodbye Daddy's Car!

Daddy's car went bye bye today. He was very sad to see it go, but it finally died. He loved this car. It served him faithfully for most of his adult life. It made countless trips from LA to the Bay Area and back again.

It was a WARRIOR! It hit a van, some cars, a freeway guard rail, and a house TWICE. BUT nothing would keep this car down. Even when other people would hit it. Daddy would just say to them, "It's cool, that's what bumpers are for."

The car carried his favorite bumper sticker of all time, Fight Errorism, and well that just about says it all.

I was never old enough to ride in it, but Mommy took these pictures so Daddy would remember it. Mommy ROCKS!

So from me to you car, goodbye and may Daddy and you meet again on the other side.

Me and my monkey.