Friday, January 30, 2009

My first swimming lesson!

I'm not to sure about this whole big pool thing.But mommy made it all better.

Sleeping off a good meal...NICE!

This is a pretty good book.

Not the quantum mechanics I'm use to reading, but big green leaves are cool too.

I love sitting up by myself.

Of course with a little help from pillows.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Kung Fu is strong!

My first tooth.

You might not be able to see it, but you can sure feel it.

Messy me.

Look Mom I'm sitting up by myself.

Uncle Erik and me in my Batgirl gear.

I know it's really a Batman outfit, but WB is stupid and doesn't make Batgirl stuff.

Where da remote?

There it is.

Mohawk Baby!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Long live my crazy hair.

Garçon, my meal please.

My compliments to the chef.

First real food!

Come on, where is this food thing I hear so much about.
Are you guys lying to me or what.
Fine, I'll just eat my hand.
Ooooohhhhh, there it is. That is some good rice cereal I'll tell you.

Beyond tired.

The girls of Christmas.

Me, mommy, Aunty Kristen, Grammy and cuz Hannah

Evelyn and me.

This is my mom's friend and pen pal.

I love my mommy.

Grammy reads to us.

Cute series, Part II.

Bring on the lobster.

Bowling is fun.

I just got a 300...damn am I good or what
...I didn't change the score.

Christmas Dinner.

My mom's cousin Jessie and her son Dylan.
"Who took my food?", Grampy thinks. Perhaps the woman behind you!